
Labelling, Reconstruction and Visualization of Skeletons

While in live mode, a new skeleton asset is added. In the Builder panel we choose the specific skeleton model to be used. 

The person on whom the measurements are to be taken must place all the markers in the indicated positions. He/she must then enter the capture zone. The system will indicate the number of markers detected. When the number of detected markers coincides with the number of markers required, the model can be created. By clicking on the option to create the model, the skeleton will be displayed directly in the perspective view window.

With the skeleton created, motion capture can be performed.

2. Reconstruction and labelling

By using a skeleton, most of the markers will have reconstructed and self-labelled themselves.  We can use the same tools as in the case of rigid bodies to correct mislabelled points or swap markers. In this case, it is advisable to do an automatic autolabelling after each change. 

As in other modes, the x,y,z positions of the well-labelled points can be seen without problems in the graph view. 

  3. Exporting data